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Centennial Celebration and Congress of theInternational Union of Soil Sciences

The International Union of Soil Sciences
The Italian Society of Soil Science
The City of Florence

invite you for the

Centennial Celebration and Congress of the
International Union of Soil Sciences

May 19-21, 2024
Florence, Italy

100 years of soil science
past achievements
and future challenges

The custodian of soil science will celebrate its centennial contribute to the nature and human wellbeing in 2024.
The event will also empower the linkages with different disciplines, policy makers, stakeholders, institutions, and associations to effectively address civil society needs within agriculture, forestry, environment, urban planning, energy, education, and other societal issues.
The celebration will occur on May 19th and will be followed by two intense days of congress, with plenary and parallel scientific sessions. Both soil scientists and specialists from other disciplines will participate to each session, focusing on past achievements and future challenges.
The congress will be followed by technical/scientific excursions that will range from short local to long trips, spanning from Alps to Sicily.
A pre-congress visit to Villa Lubin in Rome, the historical place where the IUSS was founded, is scheduled on May 18th.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Italy,

Sara Marinari
Giuseppe Corti
Edoardo A.C. Costantini

SISS_logo-300x212 Centennial Celebration and Congress of theInternational Union of Soil Sciences

         National Scientific Society in charge in organizing

Italian Society of Soil Science


Podizanja svijesti „Život zemljišta”

          Dan nacionalne kampanje podizanja svijesti „ŽIVOT ZEMLJIŠTA – šta vaš profil zemljišta može da vam kaže o sebi samom”. Mađarsko društvo za nauku o zemljištu organizuje 20. marta 2024. godine nacionalni dan kampanje podizanja svijesti pod nazivom „ŽIVOT ZEMLJIŠTA – šta vaš profil može da vam kaže o sebi samom”.  Glavni cilj ove manifestacije je da skrene pažnju na stanje i značaj našeg plodnog zemljišta. Naučnici Društva iskopavaju profile zemljišta na različitim lokacijama uključenim u akciju i od 10 časova ujutro, širom zemlje prikazuju, opisuju i govore o zemljištu i njegovim funkcijama, i naravno odgovaraju na pitanja prisutnih. Mađarsko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta želi da aktivira što širi krug društva, stoga Društvo očekuje prijave kompanija, obrazovnih i drugih institucija, krugova prijatelja, baštovana, šetača kroz šumu (planinara), članove stambenih zajednica, stručnih administrativnih instituta i poljoprivrednih proizvođača, poljoprivrednih gazdinstava, pa čak i predstavnika poljoprivrednih medija, koji takođe smatraju da je važno širiti znanje o zemljištu i popularisati nauku o zemljištu. Primarni cilj programa je pružanje iskustvenih informacija o zemljištu laicima i zainteresovanim stranama, od stručnjaka, na uzbudljiv način, kako bi se skrenula pažnja na značaj zemljišta. Prijava za dan kampanje je moguća putem sledećeg linka, unošenjem potrebnih podataka u tabelu:

          Više detalja biće objavljeno naknadno, kao i tačne lokacije učešća. U međuvremenu, preporučujemo da pratite Fejsbuk događaj dana kampanje:

pdf Podizanja svijesti „Život zemljišta"  Flajer (826,1 KiB, 19 hits)


Zemljište i voda: Izvor života

Predavanje i panel diskusija  povodom Svjetskog dana zemljišta 2023. godine pod nazivom “Zemljište i voda” održaće se 7. decembra u prostorijama Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Banjoj Luci (vijećnica Fakulteta).

Početak panela i diskusije počinje u 8:30 minuta  a završava u 11:00 časova. Organizatori očekuju veliku posjetu zainteresovanih učesnika i promatrača kao i raspravu o ovoj veoma važnoj temi.


SMARTWATER пројекат на Међународном симпозијуму

SMARTWATER projekat na Međunarodnom simpozijumu o upravljanju zemljišnim i vodnim resursima za klimatski pametniju poljoprivredu

 SMARTWATER predstavljen je na Međunarodnom simpozijumu o upravljanju zemljišnim i vodnim resursima za klimatski pametniju poljoprivredu u organizaciji Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju (IAEA).

Međunarodni simpozijum o o upravljanju zemljišnim i vodnim resursima za klimatski pametniju poljoprivredu imao je za cilj da olakša razmjenu informacija i znanja među stručnjacima za zemljište, vodu i životnu sredinu iz razvijenih i zemalja u razvoju kako bi se unaprijedilo razumjevanje, saradnja i sposobnosti da se odgovori na uticaj klimatskih promjena u globalnom okruženju koje se brzo mjenja. Događaj je održan u Beču, Austrija, od 25. do 29. jula 2022.Simpozijum je održan uživo, uz mogućnost povezivanja putem interneta.Na Simpozijumu je predstavljen značajan broj naučnih istraživanja.Projekat SMARTWATER je predstavljen uživo. Koordinator SMARTWATER projekta, prof dr Mihajlo Marković je putem postera i usmeno izložio pregled svih ostvarenih aktivnosti u okviru projekta.Učesnicima su predstavljeni preliminarni rezultati zajedničkih eksperimentalnih istraživanja u Aleksandrovcu i Butmiru.Događaj se takođe oslanjao na naučene lekcije, trenutni status, sa fokusom na razvoj novih nuklearnih i izotopskih tehnika kako bi se uticalo na rješavanje krize u oblasti poljoprivrede i sigurnosti hrane, što se naročito odnosi na emisije gasova staklene bašte (GHGs), klimatske promene i nuklearne ili radiološke vanredne situacije.Naglašen je značaj aktivnosti SMARTWATER projekta za mlađe istraživače u Bosni i Hercegovini, kao i njihovo uključivanje u sektor upravljanja zemljišnim i vodnim resursima za “klimatski pametniju poljoprivredu”.




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International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture

Greetings from Vienna, Austria.

My name is Lee Kheng Heng, Head of Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrition Subprogramme.

I’d highly appreciate if you can help post and circulate the following symposium announcement to the members of the Soil Science Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture will be held in-person and virtually (hybrid) in Vienna, Austria, from 25 July 2022 to 29 July 2022. The purpose of the Conference is to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge among soil, water and environment professionals from developed and developing countries to advance the understanding, collaboration and capabilities to respond to the impact of climate change in a rapidly changing global environment. It will also draw on lessons learnt, current status, with a focus on new development of nuclear and isotopic techniques to enhance the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises that impact agriculture and food security, such as emissions of greenhouse gases, climate change and nuclear or radiological emergencies. The Conference is expected to attract scientists and experts from all over the world. There is an opportunity for virtual/online attendance for this symposium. At the symposium link, and click Observer Registration Virtual Attendance blue button, fill the form to register to attend it virtually. For those who join the full symposium virtually, they will receive a certificate of attendance after the symposium. The programme of the symposium can be download at 

pdf International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture  Programme (597,3 KiB, 125 hits)


22nd World Congress of Soil Science

On behalf of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) and the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS), it is our pleasure to invite you to participate at the 22nd World Congress of Soil Science as a Sponsor or Exhibitor. The congress will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from July 31st – August 5th 2022, and we hope that you will be able to join us for this global meeting. The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) is hosting the 22nd WCSS on behalf of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), and the competition will include the high-level training including guest speakers, which is associated with this event. Offering education, skills, support, and professional development across all stages of a soil professionals’ career is the core BSSS’ aims and we are keen to share local knowledge with researchers at the early stages of their career to enhance their knowledge and learning.Can you take the challenge? Want to see how your team measures up against your international competitors? Are you an Early Career scientist? You can find more information, including eligibility criteria and registration, on the WCSS 22 website at or by contacting us on

For more information on the packages available, please download the brochure or get in touch with our Conference Management team on

Detailed information can to read on official web site of  the Congres  (button below):